Welcome to Towner and Friends, a comic strip created, written, illustrated, and colored by Christopher Galletta Stevens.

Chris started the comic in the late 1990s as a little kids’ version of his comic book ChrusherComix (a portmanteau standing for ‘Chris’ Crusher Comics Mix’) and was heavily inspired by his love of several of his favorite comic strips growing up as a kid. Scroll down to read hundreds of comics on this site.

Trending ORIGINAL Comics

Enjoy some colorized original comics.

Original Strips

A collection of the earliest strips of the comics in their uncolored, pen and ink glory.

Commissioned Comics for Galletta’s Greenhouse

Comic strips — including Mother’s Day and Memorial Day cartoons — that double as commissioned ads for Galletta’s Greenhouses of Oswego, NY.

Christmas Comics (Colorized)

A collection of colorized Marrying Christmas and Winter Holiday comics curated for you.

Browse through hundreds of comics that I pay to host for free (and while doing so, please turn off your ad-blockers, as this helps offset the domain name and hosting costs a bit. Rest assured, I’m not making any money from this, so don’t worry about some fat cat getting rich and snooty from ads on you, haha!). With interaction, sharing, and support, I have additional strips and children’s books in mind.

Christopher Galletta Stevens
Creator, author, and artist of Towner Comics and ChrusherComix